Flow Free Courtyard Spin Level 137

  1. Country house plans and homes are pure Americana, evoking a pastoral vision of a quaint house with a wide front porch, surrounded by pastures and shaded by large trees.
  2. The field of spintronics has attracted tremendous attention recently owing to its ability to offer a solution for the present-day problem of increased power dissipation in electronic circuits while scaling down the technology. Spintronic-based structures utilize electron’s spin degree of freedom, which makes it unique with zero standby leakage, low power consumption, infinite endurance, a.
  3. SUBSCRIBE!!!Did this video help you finally pass the level? Please hit SUBSCRIBE!!!!Hit like to let me know! Share your comments too!This.

Fast automated solver for Flow Free puzzles written in C.

Flow. Bridges. Hexes. Warps This is a list of levels of the Courtyard Spin Pack from the Flow Free App, from the 121st level to the 150th level. Click on one of those numbered links to view the information of the level, or just keep scrolling.

GIF of the final program in action (see below if you’re unfamiliar with Flow Free):

Standard admonishments apply: feel free to skip ahead tothe end; also, don’t hesitate to try out the code, which isup on github as always.

I like puzzles. Well, more precisely, I enjoy problem solving, andpuzzles present nice, neat, self-contained problems to solve from timeto time. But one thing I like even better than solving a puzzle iswriting programs to automatically solve a whole lot of puzzles,fast.

Here’s a couple of screenshots from the mobile gameFlow Free, in case you’re unfamiliar:

The game takes place on a grid which starts out empty, except for anumber of pairs of colored dots (as shown on the left). The objectiveis to draw paths or flows such that all pairs are connected and allof the empty cells are filled (as shown on the right). Puzzles rangefrom 5x5 all the way up to 14x14, and they may have anywhere from 5 to16 colors of flows.

Flow Free Courtyard Spin Level 1370

I’ve had Flow Free on my iPhone for years, and it’s saved me fromboredom on many a subway or airplane. From time to time I’vewondered how hard it would be to write a good automated solver for it,but I never took on the project until this summer, when I found myselfwith a few dozen hours of flights on which to occupy myself.

I developed the bulk of my solver over about a week of travel throughIndonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia; when I got back home, I addedabout an order of magnitude’s worth of speed optimizations and someANSI cursor commands to produce animated solutions like the one shownabove. The program also outputs SVG images, which became thebasis for many of the figures in this post.

By the way, I did dig up some prior work on the subject, but I onlystarted looking for it once I had finished my solver. If you’recurious, there’s a list of related efforts at the veryend of this post. As far as I can tell, my solver is the only one I’maware of that can tackle large puzzles (e.g. 12x12 and up) in areasonable amount of time.

From an AI perspective, there are at least two substantially differentways to frame the Flow Free puzzle: the first is as aconstraint satisfaction problem (CSP), and the second is as ashortest path problem. The former is the domain ofSAT solvers and Knuth’s DLX, whereas the latter is thedomain of Dijkstra’s algorithm and A* search.

At first blush, considering Flow Free as a CSP seems like a simplerformulation, because the constraints are so simple to state:

  • Each free space must be filled in by a color.
  • Each filled-in cell must be adjacent to exactly two cells of the same color.
  • Each dot must be adjacent to exactly one filled-in cell of the same color.

In contrast, shortest path algorithms like Dijkstra’s and A* seemill-suited for this problem because the zig-zaggy flows found inpuzzle solutions rarely resemble short, direct paths:

Despite this apparently poor fit, I decided to take the “A*-like”approach for two main reasons:

  1. I spent years in grad school coding up search-based planners with A*.
  2. When you have a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail.

Although finding shortest paths is a generalgraph search problem, my solver operates on atree rooted at the initial puzzle state. Each node in thetree not only stores a puzzle state, but also the current positionof each flow. We can generate a successor for a state – i.e. its“child” in the tree – by extending one of the flows into anempty cell adjacent to its current position.

It’s vitally important to reduce the branching factor – the averagenumber of children per node – as much as possible, because a largerbranching factor means searching exponentially more nodes. Forexample, a tree of branching factor 2 fully built out to depth of 10has a modest 1,023 nodes, but doubling the branching factor to 4 wouldincrease the tree size to 349,525!

So to keep our branching factor small, for any state we will designatea single active color which is permitted to move. Say we are solvinga puzzle with 6 colors. If we allow moves from any flow’s currentposition, a node might have as many as 24 children (6 colors times 4directions of motion per color); however, imposing an active colorreduces the maximum number of children to 4.

Which color should we choose to be active? Probably the mostconstrained one – that is, the color with the fewest possiblemoves. For example, consider the puzzle below, with the colored cellbackgrounds indicating the initial position for each flow. Both blueand cyan have only one valid move available, but green has four:

Hence, we should choose blue or cyan as the active color now, andpostpone moving green until later, in hopes that the board has gottenmore crowded by then. In the board above, we would say that the cyanand blue flows have forced moves because there is only a single freespace next to the current position of each one.

Restricting moves to a deterministically-chosen active color hasanother important side benefit: it prevents duplicate states fromarising in the tree. Otherwise, we could imagine arriving at the samestate via two different “routes” which differ only in the order theflows are created (say moving red-then-green vs. movinggreen-then-red).

Although we could use breadth-first search to solve the puzzle,I found that it’s significantly faster to go withbest-first search instead. The method I ended upusing is kind of a poor man’s A* search in that it computestwo quantities for each state (x):

  • a cost-to-come (g(x)) that considers all of the moves made toget to this state; and
  • a cost-to-go estimate (h(x)) that estimates the remaining“distance” to a goal state.

My program defines the cost-to-come (g(x)) by counting up the“action cost” of each move. Each move incurs one unit of cost, withtwo zero-cost exceptions: completing a flow, and forced moves.

The heuristic cost-to-go (h(x)) is simply the number of empty spacesremaining to be filled. In terms of A* search, this is aninadmissible heuristic for my cost functionbecause it disregards the possibility of future zero-cost moves;nevertheless, it works pretty well in practice.

For best-first search, I put the nodes in a heap-basedpriority queue which is keyed on the total cost (f(x) =g(x) + h(x)) for each node (x). As new moves are generated, theyare placed onto the queue; the next one to be dequeued will always bethe one with the minimum (f(x)) value.

As a concrete illustration, consider the tiny puzzle below:

Red has made two moves, but the first was forced, so the totalcost-to-come (g(x)) is 1. There are 8 empty squares remaining, sothe cost-to-go (h(x)) is 8. Hence we see the total cost (f(x) = 8 +1 = 9).

Consider this puzzle state:

Given the moves made by blue, the only way that the free space to theright of the orange flow could get occupied is if orange moves intoit. From this example, we can now say a move is forced:

  • …if a flow has only one possible free cell to move into (theoriginal definition); or,

  • …if an empty space is adjacent to a single flow’s currentposition, and it has only one free neighbor.

Recognizing the second situation is a bit more code-intensive than thefirst, but it’s worth it, because we are always looking for ways toreduce the branching factor. Without considering this type of forcedmove, it might seem like orange has three possible moves, but two ofthem are guaranteed to result in an awkwardly leftover empty square.

Sometimes, advancing a flow may leave behind a square that has a wayinto it, but no way out – for instance, the one marked with an “X”below:

After any move – e.g. completing the red flow above – we canrecognize nearby “dead-end” cells by looking for a free cell that issurrounded by three completed path segments or walls (the currentposition or goal position of an in-progress flow don’t count). Anystate containing such a dead-end is unsolvable, and we need notcontinue searching any of its successors.

Detecting unsolvable states early can prevent a lot of unnecessarywork. The search might still eventually find a solution if we didn’trecognize and discard these, it might just take a lot more time andmemory, exploring all possible successors of an unsolvable state.

It’s possible that extending one flow can totally block off anotherone, preventing its completion. This can be as simple as surroundinga flow’s current position so it has nowhere to go, like the pooryellow flow in this state:

In a more subtle case, one flow can divide up the free space sothat it is impossible to connect another flow’s current position toits eventual goal, like blue depriving red in the image below:

Finally, a move may create a bubble of freespace that is impossible tofill later, like the top-left 4x2 free area here:

Although red, cyan, and orange can all enter the 4x2 area, it would beuseless for them to do so because they must terminate outside of it,which would be impossible.

The former two illustrations are examples of stranded colors and the latteris an example of a stranded region. We can detect both usingconnected component labeling. We start by assigning eachcontinuous region of free space a unique identifier, which can be doneefficiently via a disjoint-set data structure. Here are theresults for the two states above (color hatching correspondsto region labels):

To see which colors and regions might be stranded, we keep track ofwhich current positions and which goal dots are horizontally orvertically adjacent to each region. Then the logic is:

  • For each non-completed color, there must exist a region which touchesboth its current position and goal position, otherwise the color isstranded.

  • For each distinct region, there must exist some color whose currentposition and goal position touch it, otherwise the region isstranded.

It’s important to consider the space/time tradeoff presented byvalidity checks like these. Even though connected component analysisis pretty fast, it’s many orders of magnitude slower than justchecking if a move is permitted; hence, adding a validity check willonly provide an overall program speedup if performing it is faster onaverage than expanding all successors of a given node. On the otherhand, these types of validity checks pretty much always reduce thespace needed for search, because successors of states found to beunsolvable will never be allocated.

Let us define a bottleneck as a narrow region of freespace of agiven width (W). If closing the bottleneck renders more than (W)colors unsolvable (by separating their current and goal positions intodistinct regions of freespace), then the bottleneck has become achokepoint, and the puzzle can not be solved. Here’s a example tohelp explain:

The cells cross-hatched in gray constitute a bottleneck separating thecurrent and goal positions of red, blue, yellow, cyan, and magenta. Nomatter where any of those five flows go, they will have to pass through theshaded cells in order to reach their goals; however, since thebottleneck is just three cells wide, we have a chokepoint and thepuzzle is unsolvable from this state.

For this project, I chose to use a stack-based allocator tocreate nodes. Basically, a stack allocator is lovely when you want tobe able to “undo” one or more memory allocations, and it dovetailsperfectly with this search problem when it comes to handling forced moves.

Let’s say we discover, upon entering a particular state, that there isa forced move. Suppose the state resulting from the forced movepasses all validity checks. If we enqueue this successor, we know itwill be dequeued immediately. Why? Since forced moves cost zero,the cost-to-come has not increased, but the cost-to-go has decreasedby one. Why go through all of the trouble to enqueue and dequeue it?Why not just skip the queue entirely?

Conversely, imagine that making the forced move leads to an unsolvablestate. In this case, we might wish to “undo” the allocation of thesuccessor node – after all, memory is limited, and we might want touse that slot of memory for a potentially-valid node later on!

But this approach doesn’t just work for a single forced move. What ifone forced move leads to another and another, starting a chain offorced moves? Once again, we should skip the queue for all of theintermediate states, only enqueuing the final result state which hasno forced moves, and which passes all of the validity checks. On theother hand, if at any point we fail a validity check after a forcedmove, then we can de-allocate the entire chain, saving lots ofmemory. Here’s an example of such a chain:

On the left, orange has just moved into the square adjacent to thecyan flow. Cyan must now follow the single-cell-wide passage until theflow is completed, creating a 2x1 stranded region that invalidates theentire chain; hence, we can de-allocate these two states along withall of the intermediate ones as well. For the purposes of memoryusage, its as if none of these nodes ever existed.

If a node is invalid, we would like it to fail a validity check asquickly as possible. Tests costs time, and we will often see a programspeedup if we run the cheap ones first. Accordingly, my solverorders validity checks from fastest to slowest, starting with deadends, then stranded regions/colors, and finally bottlenecks.

Viewed in this light, we can consider the dead-end check not just away of verifying a node’s potential validity, but also as a test ofwhether we should allow the considerably more expensive connectedcomponent analysis code to execute at all. As a wise programmerobserved, the fastest code is the code that never runs. Orby analogy to medicine, don’t schedule an MRI until after you’vecompleted the physical examination!

There were a few other features which sped up puzzle solution, butwhich I won’t discuss in depth here. There is code to choose which dotof a pair should be a flow’s initial position and which one its goal;and other code to decide when to switch the active color. These littledetails can have a big impact on both runtime and memory use.

There’s also a way to load hints into the solver, which helped duringdevelopment when I came across a puzzle that was taking too much spaceand time to solve. The jumbo_14x14_19.txt puzzle was the bane of myexistence for a few days, but finally became tractable after I added afew more features. This site was helpful to check my work, too.

As I discovered in grad school, a good way to devise validitychecks is to visualize intermediate states after a search has failed– if I can figure out how express in code the reasons why some ofthem are in fact invalid, I can prevent them from ever clogging upthe tree in the first place.

In the end, the program I wrote turned out a bit long and abit complicated.1 The good news is it that exposes just about everyone of the features described above as a command-line switch – justrun flow_solver --help to see them all.

Also, as I was preparing to write up this post, this happened on Facebook:

I want to say I was half-correct in my reply there – since I postedthat last comment, I’ve gotten plenty of “replay value” out oftrying to get the program to solve puzzles faster and better. So as acomparison, here’s a “scoreboard” of sorts showing the differencebetween the performance of the final program, and performance onAugust 21 – the day after this Facebook exchange – for all of thepuzzles in the repository (lower is better in the “% of init”columns):

PuzzleInit timeFinal time% of initInit nodesFinal nodes% of init
extreme_11x11_20.txt0.7310.001< 1%102,535227< 1%
extreme_12x12_30.txt8.9770.002< 1%1,116,520330< 1%
jumbo_14x14_02.txt254.9030.886< 1%20,146,76161,444< 1%
jumbo_14x14_19.txt300.4151.238< 1%29,826,16197,066< 1%
jumbo_14x14_21.txt16.1840.018< 1%1,431,3641,380< 1%

Note that I allowed the initial version of the program to use up to 8GB of RAM, and still ran out of memory solving jumbo_14x14_19.txt(as mentioned above, it was a thorny one). Other fun observations:

  • The final version is always at least as efficient as the initial,in terms of both time and space.

  • The average improvement (speedup/reduction in storage) frominitial to final was over 10x!

  • The final version solves each puzzle in under 1.6 seconds, usingless than 140K nodes.

Am I happy with the final results? Definitely. Did I waste waaay toomuch time on this project? For sure. Did my fiancée startbinge-watching Stranger Things on Netflix without me while I wasobsessing over Flow Free? Sadly, yes.

As usual, download the code yourself from github and give it a spin!

It turns out that I am unwittingly following in a long line ofwould-be Flow Free automators. Since I was in the air above southeastAsia when I started this project, I didn’t Google any of this, but nowthat I’m in documentation mode, here’s a chronological listing of whatI could dig up:

  • Jun 2011: just a video of a solver proceeding at a leisurely pace, couldn’t find source.
  • Nov 2011: solver in C++ for arelated puzzle, looks like a standardrecursive backtracker.
  • Aug 2012: solver in Perl, mothballed, doesn’twork, but README has a link to an interesting paper.
  • Oct 2012: solver in C#, appears not to work basedupon final commit message.
  • Feb 2013: chatting about designing solvers in a C++ forum.
  • Jul 2013: solver in R, framed asinteger programming.2
  • Sep 2013: twosolvers from thesame programmer, both in C#, both use DLX; author notes long solve times for large grids.
  • Feb 2014: solver as coding assignment in a C++class, yikes.
  • Mar 2014: StackOverflow chat on designing asolver, top answer suggests reducing to SAT.3
  • Feb 2016: solver in MATLAB using backtracking;very slow on puzzles >10x10 but it does live image capture andthere’s a cool YouTube demo.

Without running the solvers listed here, it’s difficult to compare myperformance to theirs, but I’d be willing to hazard an educated guessthat mine is pretty speedy compared to the others, especially on largepuzzles.

As someone who enjoys similar short interludes of FreeFlow, I have four questions. (Note that I skimmed bits of the code but there's no chance I understand it yet.)

1. In the two figures you have in the fast-forwarding section, you say 'Cyan must now follow the single-cell-wide passage until the flow is completed, creating a 2x1 stranded region that invalidates the entire chain'. I guess you are assuming that once a flow is next to the endpoint, you must flow to the endpoint, which makes ending a flow a zero-cost move. However, it would also be possible to go up (rather than right and ending the flow), then right, then down. This would have filled the 2x1 region that was leftover in your solution. There have been countless FreeFlow puzzles where I've filled otherwise stranded regions in order to solve the puzzle. What I don't know is if my solution at the time was simply an alternative way to solve it or if in fact that was the intended way to solve it. If it is the latter, that causes problems for your solver. For example, there is no found solution to this puzzle:


The solution is


where lowercase represents the flow and the numbers represent the path of the red flow.

2. There are many - perhaps a majority of? - FreeFlow puzzles that can be solved according to the 'stay along the wall' algorithm where you first complete a flow that can be completed by staying along a wall (which creates a new wall), and then recursing until a solution is reached. Did you consider any speedup hacks of that nature while you were working on this?

3. Along the lines of #2, FreeFlow would consider your solutions 'imperfect' because you didn't complete a single flow before moving on to the next. My hunch is that with the smaller puzzles you'd be able to solve these without too much of a performance impact. Any ideas? (Not sure where to hack at your code to enforce this but will look further.)

4. Your last few posts have been in Python. What made C a better choice? Previous infrastructure?

1. Pretty sure that up-right-down would violate the constraint that a colored flow cell has only two neighbors of the same color. I don't think Flow Free allows 'looping back' like that.

2. Yep -- that's a big part of how I order things. Always start along the wall, prefer colors closer to wall (all else being equal), prefer most constrained move first. Tried hard to bring in some of that conventional wisdom.

3. Yes, big performance impact for larger puzzles. The code was doing this for a while but I disabled it because it helped solve tricky 14x14 ones. The good news is, you can always observe the solution the program produces and then enter it into the puzzle 'the right way'.

4. Speed! Also, I like using different languages for different tasks. A lot of the low-level operations in this program use bitwise operators -- for instance, we can track which flows have been completed with a 16-bit field, because there are a maximum of 16 colors. I would never have written the raytracer in Python, nor would I expect a solver like this to be nearly as fast in an interpreted language (but I'm sure someone will come along with JS and prove me wrong).

1. Flow Free 11x11 Mania board 12 and my 'perfect' solution are attached. And a link to a preferred solution: https://flowfreesolutions.com/...

2. Excellent.

3. Yes, of course you can redo them. I used to care about such things and take screenshots of my imperfect solutions so I could redo them. Browsing my screenshots found the solution attached below in March 2015. I no longer care :)

4. I promise never to write it in JS. Or Perl.

Ok, commit e44f007 now lets you disable the path self-touch test to make dumb solutions :)

Here's one that corresponds to neither solution you showed me:

In my experience playing the game, every puzzle has an 'elegant' solution that doesn't require self touching paths, but often when solving by hand you end up using it, because just finding a solution at all is already hard enough without finding the true 'elegant' solution.

Of course, the puzzles in the game are designed that way, but I imagine if you generated puzzles randomly you could create puzzles that are only solvable with self touching paths (as a simple example, imagine a large puzzle board with only one color).

What's so bad about using SAT or ILP? Techniques like the ones you've used here focus on how to *solve* a problem. When using a SAT solver, the actual logic of solving is encoded once in the solver. You instead must focus on how to *represent* the problem. But the beauty of this is that you can build up abstractions (to be sure, solvers also often must be built around those abstractions to keep things efficient). One could potentially represent a puzzle like Flow Free in a very high level and natural way and have it 'compile' to a solver.

Maybe it's just personal preference? My own experience with generic algorithms to solve SAT, ILP, exact cover, etc. is that a) I spend more time trying to represent my problem to the solver than I would otherwise spend coding it up from scratch, and b) it can be hard/inefficient to represent domain knowledge that helps reject partial solutions early (like the validity checks here), or prioritize partial solutions.

On the other hand, the 'if you have a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail' thing is a bit on the nose for me. I just like using tools I know, and I have a lot of experience with finagling best-first search to do what I want.

Also, I'm curious -- who are the end users of 'industrial-strength' SAT solvers or ILP solvers? What are some real-world problems they shine on?

'Personal preference' is a lot different from 'everyone who uses SAT has made poor life choices'. I think SAT and similar solvers have very powerful potential, and it's disappointing to see people just throw them out the window (and insult those who use them).

Representational issues are a problem because most SAT solvers require input in CNF. I personally would like to see more solvers that allow representation in higher-level abstractions (Z3 has some great work in this area).

I agree that the domain knowledge thing is an issue. The best solution to that that I know of is to add pre-processing steps to trim the solution space.

Flow free courtyard spin level 1370

My personal usage of SAT solvers is in the package dependency solver in conda. Basically, instead of representing package dependencies as a graph and trying to write a bunch of graph algorithms, you just represent dependencies as SAT (they translate quite nicely), and let the SAT solver figure it out. There's a bit more complexity once you turn it into an optimization problem (generally it's not enough to install a satisfiable set of packages, but rather a satisfiable set of packages with the newest versions), but it's still, in my opinion, nicer than writing the algorithms by hand. For instance, if you want to tweak the way the optimization works, it's just a matter of modifying a formula. Everything else in the code stays the same.

I know that in industry solvers are used for solving problems in operations research, and chip design (I don't have expertise in either of these, so I can't really say much more about them unfortunately).

Mea culpa

I also decided to try writing a Flow Free solver sometimes ago. Then I discovered your
interesting blog on the subject so I changed my goal… I’m now trying to write a
solver faster than yours! ;-)

After a lot of work, I’m now at <0.25 seconds worst time for the most complex 14x14

No A* search, no SAT, no heuristic! But quite a few lines of code to analyze the
board before starting (to remove some directions for some cells). Then I explore
the tree and attempt to find bad moves as soon as possible.

But I’m not sure we can compare directly our results… we are not using the same PC!


Also, I’m wondering if we are testing with the same set of puzzles!? Apparently you have
30 * 14x14. I found 90 of them, and I’m applying 8 different symmetries to each
puzzle to make sure the algorithm is not too sensible to the orientation of the

Do you think the run time with your 2 solutions is impacted by the orientation of the
puzzle? For example if you apply a rotation of 90, 180 or 270 degrees, or a
horizontal central symmetry, or both. Would your code continue to explore the
same number of nodes? (I can provide files with puzzle definitions if you are

Btw, have you seen puzzles larger than 14x14? I did not, and I’m wondering how well these
algorithms scale up!?

Glad I inspired you to try to beat me :) I don't have your code, but feel free to compare your code to mine on your PC, or open-source your solver so others can compare.

To be honest, I only have tested on the small number of 14x14 puzzles included in my github repository (see https://github.com/mzucker/flo... ). There are a large number of puzzles available at https://flowfreesolutions.com/... but they are only presented graphically, not in text form. I have no desire to hand-enter all of their posted puzzles, but you may be more enterprising than I am. I was also a bit concerned about fair use if I copied the entirety of the puzzle data set from another source and open-sourced it.

Almost certainly my C-based solver is sensitive to rotations/flips. I tried to make it less sensitive by assigning priorities based on distances from walls/center, but I imagine it would depend partially on the order the puzzle is defined in.

I have not tried any puzzles larger than 14x14, nor have I seen any out there. I'm pretty sure this problem is in NP (since both solution techniques I used are typically used for NP-hard problems); however, there are lots of problems ostensibly in NP that scale better than you might think on any real-world examples. This in fact was part of my initial, unfounded skepticism about SAT. The best answer seems to just be 'try and see'.

To be honest, I lost interest in optimizing my C solver when I realized my worst-case times were in the same ballpark as SAT. It seems silly to hand-tune a solution that encodes lots of domain knowledge when it's within less than an order of magnitude of a turn-key, 'know nothing' solution.

My code is not clean enough to be published as open source (at least not yet - I’m not a professional developer). But of course I’m ready to email it to you if you’re interested. Potential problem… it’s written in VB.NET (nobody’s perfect! ;-)). I’m not a C specialist and did not manage to run your code. Is it supposed to run under Windows/Visual Studio?

I also have a limited number of puzzles. I managed to extract their definitions from files I found after installing Flow Free on a device! I found 2’490 puzzles ranging from 5x5 to
14x14 (90 of them are 14x14). Multiply these number by 8 with the possible symmetries. There are more puzzles available (for example there is a pack with 150 * 14x14), but I did not find their definition files. Good point about “fair use of these puzzles”. We have to be careful about this…

I understand your last point about SAT which is more generic. But my point is that if you had added a few more optimizations into your C solver, it would have decreased the number of nodes to explore by a very large amount. For example you explore 130’734 nodes for the 14x14_30 puzzle, while my solver only explores 274 nodes for that problem (with run time of 3ms). Some of these optimizations only require a few lines of code and have profound effects. I think this re-opens the question 'is SAT better than A* Search' for this problem?

Note that my solver only searches for “elegant” solutions with no self-touching path (as explained by asmeurer). In fact, it helps doing this because it decreases the number of possibilities to explore. Not sure what’s your latest code do?

Flow Free Courtyard Spin Level 137 Candy Crush

Btw, I added a new powerful optimization this morning. New worst case: 63ms (5’758 nodes to explore). It’s with a puzzle you did not try. I have tried a few additional optimisations, but sometimes the cost of running them it too high for the benefit they bring.

Just curious, is the SAT solution sensible to rotations/symmetries? And is there a way to make it more efficient?

Michel - you raise a lot of interesting points, sounds like you're almost ready to start your own blog!

Oh, I’m sorry! I thought it was appropriate to discuss the subject on your blog.

I won’t create my own blog, but I’ll continue improving the code. The more I think
about it, the more I find ways to make things faster. It seems to me that the
key to write a fast solver is to find forced and bad moves rapidly. The
algorithm to traverse the tree is not that important after all, because there
is not that many nodes to explore! Did you say needlessly complex? ;-)

Matt – I’ve a file with the definition for 150 * 15x15 puzzles, if you’re interested to test your solutions with larger puzzles.

Flow Free Courtyard Spin Level 137 S.

  1. Please consult blog title if surprised. ↩

  2. In my limited experience, if you have to solve a problem and the best way you can express it is as an integer program, you have made poor life choices. ↩

  3. Same. If your best choice for a problem is “reduce to SAT”, maybe find a new problem? ↩