Casino Host Training

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What is CELEXA’s blended training?


Casino Essentials’ Learning Management System, CELEXA is an online training platform that also includes the use of training in a Classroom setting. This means employees can train through an online portal where courses are assigned based on their position. Employees can then sign up for in-person sessions that fit with their schedule. By offering the freedom and flexibility of session selection, CELEXA provides the tools necessary to ensure proper coverage and understanding of training material.

What are the benefits of blended training?

Blended training provides:

  • Flexibility
  • Personalization
  • Extended reach to more employees
  • Allows employees to engage at their own pace
  • Promotes deeper understanding of material
  • Tailorable to different learning styles and/or languages
  • Ability to revisit material
  • Hybrid course creation
  • Makes learning fun

How does CELEXA provide these benefits?

When people have the option to choose their training setting, it gives them the opportunity to be more engaged. CELEXA also gives employers the ability to upload content and courses, making it simple to update any information within a course and know exactly what the employees are expected to learn.

CELEXA’s Classroom training provides the ability for employees with administrative access to customize training sessions to their specific needs. This customization includes the ability to create multiple session times across different instructors, provide multiple locations, and control the maximum class size. Administrators can also choose to add a wait list option to any course. These features give both the administrator and employee the freedom to work around their schedule, which ultimately leads to more enjoyable learning experience.

Another feature of CELEXA is the ability to for administrators to upload their own content. This allows employees to exporttraining as PDFs or Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. This hands-on access empowers the employee and encourages a more engaging experience.

Casino host training

Lastly, CELEXA administrators can create user feedback surveys to gauge the overall experience and effectiveness of any training program.

Casino Host Training Course

How does CELEXA track blended training?

Completion status of both online and in-person sessions are recorded in CELEXA via data uploads. Administrators can also run various reports to quickly view the completion status of any training by employee, position, or course.

Nick ippolito

Example: Once a classroom course has been completed and the data has been uploaded to CELEXA, employees can view their completion date, time, and score within their profile at any time. This data will also be reflected in any reporting done by administrators for that course or employee.

Casino host training games

The reporting functionality of CELEXA is incredibly useful in identifying employees or job titles that still need to complete specific trainings.

What Is A Casino Host

Casino Host Training

Casino Host Training Software


Overall, blended training through Casino Essentials’ Learning Management System, CELEXA makes for a better learning environment for both students and administrators. Learning is more flexible, fun, personalized, while also providing trackability to ensure compliance and understanding.

Nick Ippolito

Watch this webinar to learn how Casino Essentials’ learning management system streamlines training and compliance. With Casino Essentials, you can deliver, track and report all types of Title 31 and AML compliance training. Investing in e-Learning could be one of the best investments you make for your organization!